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Data science has emerged as one of the most sought-after career paths in the digital age. As businesses increasingly rely on data-driven decisions , the demand for skilled data scientists continues to grow. For professionals and aspiring data experts, understanding the landscape of a career in data science is crucial. In this article, we will explore the opportunities, challenges, and essential skills needed for a successful career in this...
Since the dawn of the digital age, the amount of data available to businesses and organizations has risen enormously. With growing servers full of data, the demand for the skill to 1) build the required infrastructure and 2) understand and analyze complex datasets has increased greatly . In October 2012, Thomas H. Davenport and DJ Patil were advertising data science as “ The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century ” in the Harvard Business...
Big data is growing exponentially. The amount of data available to businesses and organizations is constantly growing, with experts projecting that the world will be generating data at a rate of 463 exabytes per day  by 2025. This means that the data landscape will become even more saturated and complex than it already is. That’s precisely why the demand for skilled data scientists who can help companies process and extract value from...
Ten years ago Thomas Davenport and T. J. Patil were already advertising data science as “ The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century ” in the Harvard Business Review. Since then, a lot has changed in many areas of business pertaining to the use of data and data-driven insights. Over the last 10 years, more established companies invested in data infrastructure, data analytics and data science tools. At the same time, they need skilled people to...
Among the variety of open source relational databases, PostgreSQL is probably one of the most popular due to its functional capacities. That is why it is frequently used among all the areas of work where databases are involved. In this article, we will go through connection and usage of PostgreSQL in R. R is an open source language for statistical and graphics data analysis providing scientists, statisticians, and academics powerful tools...
Accessing and analyzing media content is a fascinating part of data analytics. It allows to follow trends of public interest over time or to see how stories evolve (e.g.  newslens ). While many media outlets offer APIs, it is cumbersome to collect them individually. News API closes that gap and allows to search and retrieve live articles from all over the web.     In this tutorial we will retrieve the latest news...
Unless you've been living under a rock, you may be familiar with the data science field making waves in different industries. Maybe you saw it while scrolling aimlessly through Facebook, or you've actively trying to look for a job in the field. Either way, data science is an emerging field, making it one of the most sought after jobs in our century, and everyone knows about it. But with jobs comes a hiring process. With hiring comes...
Introduction For a university project, I’m developing a Music recommendation classifier based on the Spotify API.  The idea is to recommend new music to the user, based on songs he personally likes or dislikes and on the musical components of the song (speed, tonality, instrumentality and many more). The preparation of the dataset usually is the most time-consuming part of any machine learning project. This usually consists of gathering...
Because of the rapid development of the field and the promising opportunities in the future, many people are interested in entering the world of data science right now. if you have no experience in the field or you are transitioning from a different background, finding your first job in the field of data science can be a daunting task, especially as competition is increasing. This blog gives you six tips to increase your chances of landing...
I’m sure everybody who worked with Python and a PostgreSQL database is familiar or definitely heard about the psycopg2 library. It is the most popular PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language. In my work, I come in contact with this library every day and execute hundreds of automated statements. As always, I try to improve my code and execution speed, because, in the cloud, time is money. The longer your code runs the...
Overview Lately, I worked a lot with the Azure Cloud. Overall I have to say Azure offers a lot but is still not on the same level as its hardest competitors (AWS, Google). One thing that caught my eye is the compatibility of certain programming languages. Azure supports a few different languages (C#, JavaScript, Java, Python, etc.) but the supported features for these languages differ a lot. I think Azure Cloud is really great for...
  Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a widely used supervised learning algorithm for classification and regression tasks. It is mostly exploited for classification problems. The points of different classes are separated by a hyperplane, and this hyperplane must be chosen in such a way that the distances from it to the nearest data points on each side should be maximal. Support Vector Machine has some advantages. The first one is that SVM works...