Diamond Light Source
Didcot, UK
For more details and to apply please see : https://instruct-eric.org/jobs/data-analyst-scientist-diamond-light-source-and-fragment-screen/
Instruct-ERIC is a pan-European distributed research infrastructure making high-end technologies and methods in structural biology available to users. Our aim is to promote innovation in integrated structural biology and Instruct-ERIC operates on a non-economic basis from its UK base. Instruct-ERIC comprises 17 Member Countries and International Organisations: Belgium, Czech Republic, EMBL, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Instruct-ERIC provides open access to cutting edge structural biology, specifically supporting research that uses integrated approaches and technologies. It operates with the following principles: a) scientific excellence is our priority in the services we provide and the research we support;...