NHS Salford Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is the organisation that decides how to spend the NHS budget on the majority of health services for 270,000 people registered with a GP in Salford, Greater Manchester. This includes the care and treatment you receive in hospital, maternity services, community and mental health services. We also have delegated responsibility for commissioning general practice services.
Established under the Health and Social Care Act 2012 as a statutory body, every GP from the city’s 38 practices is a 'Member' of Salford CCG. As a CCG, we work hard to understand what is happening in Salford’s communities in order to commission the right services for the public.
To do this, the vast majority of decisions about how we use the public’s money is made by those clinicians who are closest to the people they look after – GPs and their practice staff. We work in partnership with health and social care partners (e.g. local hospitals, local authorities, the community and voluntary sector) and our Governing Body is made up of eight representatives of general practice from across Salford along with a chief accountable officer, chief finance officer, registered nurse, secondary care specialist and three lay members.