Oxford City Council

We're building a world-class city for everyone. Oxford, which has one of the fastest growing economies of all UK cities, is a global centre for research, education and health, and has a growing high-tech sector. The city also has a rich heritage and outstanding cultural attractions that attract millions of visitors every year. Oxford also has a young, growing transient, and ethnically- and culturally-diverse population. But the city also has challenges. A lack of land for housing and employment, transport infrastructure that is at full capacity, and major inequalities between residents'​ life chances. Our ambition is therefore to make Oxford a world-class city for all our citizens. From this ambition, our priorities are: - A Vibrant and Sustainable Economy - Meeting Housing Needs - Strong and Active Communities - A Clean and Green Oxford - An Efficient and Effective Council For more information about our priorities and strategic direction, please read our Corporate Plan: www.oxford.gov.uk/corporateplan