Public Health Wales’s ambition is to achieve a “healthier, happier and fairer Wales”. Our purpose is to protect and improve health and wellbeing, and to reduce health inequalities for the people of Wales. We share this purpose with our stakeholders and partners, and can only achieve our vision by working together. We are a unique national NHS organisation delivering public health services in Wales and working closely with communities, the wider NHS, local authorities and other agencies including housing, police and fire and rescue services, Welsh Government and the population of Wales. In our approach, we lead the public health system to define effective services and prioritised actions; we mobilise others to develop community solutions to health problems; and we deliver services directly, where there are distinct advantages to doing so. We employ around 1,700 staff, including 85 at consultant level, and operate a budget of approximately £108million. We are passionate and driven to succeed. Our focus is to support the shift to a system-based approach centred around prevention and helping people to stay healthier for longer. We therefore need to make a positive difference to the quality of people’s lives for current and future generations, and reduce the health inequalities that exist in parts of Wales. We provide public health knowledge, scientific expertise and intelligence to lead change, as well as the intellectual challenge to ensure public services focus on delivering health improvement and reducing inequality. We run screening, health and healthcare improvement programmes, and provide microbiology and other health protection services.