Houses of Parliament Restoration and Renewal

The Palace of Westminster, home of the Houses of Parliament, is one of our most treasured buildings. Recognised the world over, it’s the symbolic heart of our democracy and nation and a workplace for thousands of people. The building has played a unique role in our political history for 900 years and now it needs urgent repair. The Houses of Parliament Restoration and Renewal Programme has been set up to tackle all the work to protect the Palace’s heritage and ensure it can continue to serve as the home of the UK Parliament for future generations. The Palace is part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a Grade 1 listed building and is regarded as the world’s finest example of early Gothic Revival architecture. Our project will be the biggest and most complex restoration ever undertaken in the UK. The Sponsor Body is the single client accountable to Parliament, responsible for setting the strategic direction, providing leadership and good governance, monitoring performance and preparing the business case. The Delivery Authority will procure and manage the contractors and supply chain and it will engage a team of architects, engineers, project managers and heritage experts. We’re building talented and diverse teams to join us in this hugely collaborative endeavour. We’re also committed to creating a work environment that embraces the strength in our differences and to creating a sense of belonging for everyone. Accessibility and inclusion is embedded in everything we do.